Oh look, another blanket statement that appeals to emotion without substance.
Articulate specifics on pressing issues or shut the actual fuck up. Anyone calling for silencing discussion is a coward with a weak, insecure worldview.
Regardless of who she is and who you think she is, the fact is she is correct in her assessment and there is a mountain of evidence to substantiate her claim, from her own country and the world over.
And this isn't exactly rocket science. Arguing that disinformation doesn't present a significant threat to our way of life is like arguing the world isn't round. There isn't really any debate on this in the scientific/expert community.
Good fucking luck with that lol. Being a whiny sanctimonius tyrant won't convince anyone but the most loyal rage bait addicts.
I don't think I've ever seen her say anything poignant or pick apart any specific issue - she's always just throwing around empty platitudes that she knows a certain audience likes to hear.