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  • Partner and I are millinials, household income ~200K, one child, excellent credit, no debt. Partner's standards are a tad high but I'm unusually spartan with some minor capital expenditures, so I feel we balance out.

    I grew up middle class and on paper we put my parents to shame, nevertheless they built a huge house, had three kids, five cars, fed the family... while my partner and I struggle to find a home while paying for one kid.

    Something doesn't add up.

    That said I do wonder if it would basically be impossible to top the boomers on wealth and cost of living. Think back before WWII and how hard was it on the average joe, probably a lot harder than we want to admit. The boomers mighta hit the jackpot and millennials are stuck basically with the expectation that we should do that well while also footing the bill for all of the "progress" they have made since the 60's.

    Don't get me wrong, there has been real progress but there has been a lot of "progress" in the wrong directions as well, in some cases 180°. Millennials have been paying for it our whole lives, and I don't think we are ever going to really come out ahead, we'll bust our asses to break even but honestly I'm okay with that if it sets our children up to have a better life.

  • Cool now show my parents equivalent you know the person who left highschool, had 3 kids by 30 didn't work till 50 and still hasa house, car retirement.

  • A lot of this is on paper. For example, if they're calculating potential retirement age based on stock market returns then they may be in for a rude awakening if the longest bull run of all time (minus the covid disruption) ends. But what are the odds of that, right? Surely housing prices will also rise forever too.

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