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Benefits of smoking cigarettes?

My girlfriend has threatened to break up with me several times now unless I cut down to a pack a week. I'm not addicted but it does help me get through my day. I keep trying to tell her that but she doesn't believe me and keeps saying that it's actually bad. I want to prove to my girlfriend that smoking cigarettes is actually good for you so that she can stop judging me over it but I can't find any info online to back that up. Can anyone help me find some resources that list the health benefits of cigarettes? Like how nicotine kills germs or anything like that?

  • Here's a positive: cigarettes make a great mosquito repellent, because nicotine is a natural insecticide and the smoke/odor repels them. It also repels girlfriends and other humans, but still.

  • Is this serious, or joking/trolling? Smoking is expensive, and stinky. It is without any tangible benefits. You are being silly.

  • Well, for one, you’re reducing your lifespan, so you’ll be less of a burden on the healthcare system later in life because you’ll be dead. But that’s obviously ignoring the massive burden on the healthcare system you’ll be when you’re being treated for various cancers.

  • No benefits at all really. The smoke contains poison that causes cancer and nicotine causes vascular disease. If you really could quit anytime you should. But you can’t because you’re an addict. You should listen to your GF and quit. Otherwise you’re destroying your health and your relationship.

  • As someone who smoked Camels for years and is now just as addicted to vaping, there are no benefits. Zero.

    When I smoked cigs, I stank constantly. Even if I sprayed perfume or had a mint. My fingers always smelled.

    I did 12 straight years of choir, but now I have a much smaller vocal range. I'm not as active because I get winded. Now that I vape and have constant access, I get cranky after like 30 minutes of no nicotine.

    My blood pressure is higher. I can't be on the type of birth control that gives me less side effects because my smoking makes it higher risk.

    I'm raising my risk of cancer. I'm spending a fuckton of money on flavored air.

    There is literally no positive and I wish I had never touched it.

    • I had success quitting vaping by switching to nicotine lozenges. Try it, they are cheaper than most vapes.

  • Dude, i saw my grandpa die of lung cancer, chemo did nothing to help him and the cancer literally propagated to the bones making him suffer with pain until he died. He smoked from 12 years old till he was 60, he always told everyone in my family to not smoke.

  • The biggest benefit is having a much better idea of how you'll die, and knowing that you won't have to deal with getting so old that everyone you know dies before you

  • For your sake, stop. My granfather died a slow and painful death that took about half a year due to lung cancer. Nobody should die like that.

  • You seem pretty stupid to me. There is nothing about smoking that is good for you. Your girlfriend deserves better.

  • Are you serious? Take it from a fellow smoker, there are zero health benefits (I've dug that hole as deep as it can go) and if you're not addicted now, it's only a matter of time before you are. If you can stop whenever you want to, you should, and if you don't want to, guess what: that's what being addicted means.

    To be fair: nicotine is a mild stimulant, which could be a good thing. But caffeine is stronger, easier to regulate dosage, cheaper, less addictive, tastes a lot better, isn't socially frowned upon, helps you to shit and doesn't give you cancer. So smoking for the stimulant effect is a stupid thing to do.