Today, we at SFC, along with our OpenWrt member project, announce the production release of the OpenWrt One. This is the first wireless Internet router designed and built with your software freedom and right to repair in mind. The OpenWrt One will never be locked down and is forever unbrickable. ...
This device specs vs price aren’t appropriate in any way. There’s no point paying 100€ for something that only has 2 Ethernet ports, doesn’t have modern WiFi and only 1GB of RAM and an older CPU.
Besides the whole title and movement is a but misleading because the guys from Banana Pi shipped multiple boards already that are built for OpenWrt and have things like WiFi 6 in that price point. One of them is the “Banana Pi BPI-Wifi6 Router” for 60€ and more expensive the Banana Pi R3 that that just makes a lot more sense.
Seems cheaper where we are $89 CAD so €68. 1 gig RAM is plenty for a router. I'm running OpenMediaVault Samba shares and MiniDLNA on 256MB RAM and it doesn't max out. More RAM would be wasted on a router.
Because Europe, but as you can see the OpenWrt One makes no sense when the BPI-Wifi5 is half the price and the R3 is a 35€ more expensive but has multiple ethernet posts, SFP and a ton of other IO. In fact even for the US market I don't see the price of the OpenWrt One making any sense, because the others are cheaper over there as well.
The odd thing about any pi kits in north america is their website list price is not our distributer purchase price. I looked up the Banana pi kit openwrt and it would be €114 .
Everyone always says thing like you can get a raspberrypi for €25 , but trying to get one here means used ones were €120 and new was €170
I don't know if it could be cheaper , it probably could be cheaper because if it will be more popular prices will drop (Economies of scale) , but i am afraid there will always be a price premium for FOSS friendly hardware because companies are losing their competitive advantage by giving away some of the work they do for free.