Sadly, my local laws, consider volunteering for a company as illegal work. So I can't help reddit. Of course there is dome exception, but none applies here.
In the US it is technically illegal to volunteer for a for-profit private company under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Relevant part about it right from the Department of Labor:
A former company I used to work for has a nationally renound land and wildlife conservation department that draws internship applicants by the hundreds. They were unpaid but had agreements with the students schools where they earned credit hours as well as references for future employers.
I understand that it happens, but it is still something that should not be allowed. It's free labour, regardless of benefits to the company or an individual.
For what's is worth, the large company I work for hires students and pays them for their time.
Dicktat 100021 from the Glorious Republic of North Korea:
"Listen you fucking assholes, why can't you all be super intelligent like me? Helllloooooo.
It seems like some of you stupid assholes are wasting your time doing stuff that doesn't make me look super cool or get me stuff I can spend or fuck so I'm asking nicely right now to fucking stop it or else get power-fucked by my pet elephants.