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Yet another article about Reddit vs. Lemmy vs. others: "Discussing Three Reddit Alternatives After Reddit's API Decisions"

  • Daily reminder that /kbin apparently doesn't exist and that the in my username is just a hallucination.

    • Mine as well, as we echo these thoughts back to one another... on a kbin magazine no less. :-)

    • Usually I can't reply to People with kbin usernames for some reason. But I can reply to you.

      • There are server issues where like if more than a minute (iirc) goes by from you loading up a page - while you read the whole thing, plus comments too - then you try to reply, it will not go through. Or if you reply to one person and then try to reply to another, same thing. Most often, refreshing the page seems to solve it for me. So like you can write in an external editor, refresh the page, THEN submit the reply. Kbin/Lemmy lacks "polish", that is for sure - it is undeniable that Reddit's UX is better, even if everything else about that company can go to hell.

        Or if you are using an app, that would be a whole other matter that I do not know about, but I hope this suggestion helped!:-)

    • Kbin is federated with Lemmy though, so it is sort of indirectly included....ish. I can see and interact with communities on kbin instances from Lemmy, like this one

      • It's federated with Lemmy, yea, but it has a completely different layout with different features. I can straight up browse and interact with Mastodon from /kbin thanks to its microblog support, but you obviously wouldn't say /kbin is included in Mastodon. I think that the same goes for Lemmy.

        Also, /kbin doesn't get a mention but beehaw (a Lemmy instance) does?

    • Don’t let folks know about Kbin or it’ll start having load issues.

      • Big brain move time. Is there a way to get only high-quality content providers while keeping out low-effort stuff? Ofc that would knock me out too - who would ever want to be a member of a club that would actually accept us? :-P

  • They included beehaw. But not as a lemmy instance. Facepalm

  • @OpenStars This article sucks, because Beehaw is "just" another Lemmy instance. The article should have mentioned Kbin instead.

    • Correct - it is fine to mention both, but to leave out Kbin that is TRULY a third alternative, and yet mention Beehaw while giving it full "third alternative status" (not merely as another flavor of the fediverse), and while also simultaneously dismissing Tildes, Discuit, etc. (I mean... has "only" ~30k subscribers?), makes this shoddy journalism.

      Though there are so few articles that even seem aware that the fediverse exists, outside of Meta, that I thought it worth mentioning even so. Like, is it a good thing to realize that when people think of Lemmy, Kbin is entirely ignored? The More You Know and all that.

  • Wonder if the lack of an API for kbin affected the article? (kbin will have an API, it has it already technically, but more dev work is needed before it's ready, but it's just a growing pain as kbin is newer than lemmy, this is also why there are more apps for lemmy than kbin.)

    Likewise with Beehaw - it's just a lemmy instance, but they've defederated with so much of the rest of the fediverse that perhaps to a newcomer it feels like an island.

    Doesn't excuse the shoddy journalism but if we know why these mistakes made it to print then maybe we can come up with a way to do something about it.

    • You could write to the author and ask them to edit the work:-).

      Squabbles has an interesting list of media related to it fwiw - like this article mentions: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Threads, Reddit, Mastodon, Bluesky, Lemmy, and Squabbles, and the honorable mentions section says how it focused on text-based social networks (nothing about an API) but adds TikTok, LinkedIn, BeReal, and even Pinterest... but still no Kbin (or Tildes, or Discuit, etc.). Nor is it really wrapped up into Lemmy / the Fediverse.

      Lemmy describes itself as “a link aggregator for the fediverse,” which to the average person may as well be gibberish. Essentially it’s a community discussion board in the vein of Reddit, based on a free and open platform like Mastodon and Bluesky. You register to a server – or host your own – but can interact with other servers with no issue.

      Other articles add mention of like Discord, and even Y Combinator's Hacker News for article aggregation purposes.

      Kbin just simply is not considered a major player, it seems. It is not blazing any new trails, nor has celebrity endorsement like Bluesky. At best it seems considered to be "just another instance of Lemmy", and at worst forgotten entirely, whereas at least Beehaw seems to stick in people's minds for some reason.

      That said, I have seen one article that mentions Kbin:, which also mentions Beehaw and Tildes and Squabbles, and yet neglects to mention Meta even though the article says that it was posted earlier this month (it also did not mention some other smaller ones such as Discuit). So that is something, at least - as in even if all articles seem biased in various ways, that one at least acknowledges Kbin:-).

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