Dear America
Dear America
Edited to replace original incorrect Herzog attribution with my own version that correctly attributes the quote
Dear America
Edited to replace original incorrect Herzog attribution with my own version that correctly attributes the quote
He never said that. This quote is from William Pannapacker, a professor of American literature at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
Ah, figures. I should know better than to post quotes without checking if they're attributed correctly
"Ah, figures. I should know better than to post quotes without checking if they're attributed correctly"
Wayne Gretzky
Michael Scott
I immediately thought that doesn't sound like something Herzog would say.
Ah, figures. I should know better than to post quotes without checking if they’re attributed correctly
Why don't you correct it then? (Eg, either delete your post, or replace the linked image with an updated one that attributes the quote correctly.)
This isn't facebook; please don't post years-old misattributed quote memes.
It's nice to imagine Werner's voice saying it though
It's nice to imagine him saying anything at all...dude could brutally roast me and I'd be like that was beautiful sir.
Maybe just a third of him said that...?
So like contextually it’s a provocative statement. But it feels really weird and downright dishonest to use the cloak of ‘parody’ in this case.
It's gruesome, isn't it? When I was young, I used to believe that people were, for the most part, decent. Misled, often, stupid, very often; but good at heart. Now, I'm convinced that a good third of our society is broken and a third of our society is blind to anything that doesn't affect them.
It was a strange feeling when I reached an age and realized that most people I know didn’t meet the standards of what I thought should be a good person.
Good people make mistakes, often repeatedly. Great people eventually learn something.
I actually originally dug this picture up for a post of this RawStory article titled 'Their ignorance is willful': WaPo analyst says enough with the MAGA voter pity, which is highly relevant.
The problem with the majority of right wing extremists isn't that they're just stupid misled bumpkins, but that they're actual psychopaths who vote for people like Trump because he's promising to hurt everybody they hate
I'm convinced that we've lost, at minimum, 20% of our nation to some kind of mass-hysteria style sociopathy. I mean, maybe they've always been lost and we just didn't realize it, but going forward, I don't think anything can be done to 'fix' them. Most people, I think, are responsive to their environments and social standards, but after a point, you get so dug in that peer pressure doesn't work, even on social animals like us. All we can do is save the children of that 20%.
None of what you describe is necessarily mutually exclusive. You can be broken, misled, misinformed, and stupid, while still being good at heart.
I think that everyone is blind to something. Some of us are less so than others. Growing up in this world will do that to a person. Shit happens to everybody. Some of us are better equipped than others to handle it, while others are not.
None of what you describe is necessarily mutually exclusive. You can be broken, misled, misinformed, and stupid, while still being good at heart.
Yes, but the issue is that they're broken, misled, misinformed, stupid, AND malicious.
I think that everyone is blind to something. Some of us are less so than others. Growing up in this world will do that to a person. Shit happens to everybody. Some of us are better equipped than others to handle it, while others are not.
I would ascribe that intermittent blindness more to the other ~80% of the population.
if it makes you feel any better you were wrong and it was always fucked up. the difference between now and when you were young is that you're more aware now.
“10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.” -Susan Sontag
The problem mostly aren't the individuals. Human normally are nice.
These are processes started by psychopaths using the heard instinct for their plans.
Most individuals are nice, groups of people on the other hand can never be trusted.
Our politics as of late indicate to me that people of good heart will now kill you for their dear leader.
We're all just reeling from traumatic experience to traumatic experience. We don't get any real time to slow down and heal, so emotions from one trauma show up in other unrelated problems. People become a bull in a china shop, hit someone else, who then becomes another bull in said china shop, they hit a few more, who then in turn become more bulls, so to anyone in the china shop that hasn't been hit yet, it all seems chaotic and evil. We're all just deeply traumatized with no avenue for healing.
Anyway, vote for Hindenburg.
Many of them are misled. You can be born into a completely alternate reality with the way conservative culture has been cutting itself off from news and media.
Germans are waking up to that as well at the moment.
I've been awake for a while and have been forced to watch the slow move towards it over the decades.
Good thing there's always nature to take your mind off the topic of totally preventable tragedies caused by profit seeking and complacency.
I'm pretty sure Germany's been stuck in a temporal loop since the 1300s.
This has been reported for violating rule 2: "No misinformation", as the quote was misattributed.
The full rule:
Don’t post any intentional misinformation. When asked by mods, provide sources for any claims you make.
OP admitted they didn't double check the author of the quote. This means it was not intentional.
Leaving it up.
This sounds like if someone just said they didn't know it was bs, it's a get out of jail free card.
not a good reason to leave it up. Think about the precedent that sets.
wait. You saw this comment, and reported it anyways?
Think about the precedent that pulling down discussions wholesale because some inconsequential detail about them is wrong sets.
It wasn't intentional, FFS. I hate this place so much.
Is anyone new waking up?!
Not yet, waiting for September to end.
Ive been accused of being woke, does that count?
I've been accused of being everything; from an autocrat to a commie, left wing to right wing, liberal to conservative, bigot to bleeding heart, I've been called snowflake by both sides. People are fucking crazy and have even crazier ideas. It all just depends on the specific crazy that belongs to the person you're talking to atm. I'm pretty far left, but there's people left of me that think I'm basically Nicki Haley.
I'm waking up with sam harris. does that count?
People of Earth, you are waking up, as our advanced space-faring race once did...
-- Gul Dukat
Dukat 2024 -- Make Cardassia Great Again
Werner Herzog's "Aguirre: the Wrath of God" is on ! here:
I guess I am in the murderous third. If I could Thanos snap the MAGA out of existence, I would not hesitate.
I kinda hate this framing because it makes it seem inevitable and ever-present. Even on the right it's more like 5% true hate, 28% normal Republican who does not find true hate disqualifying. There's plenty of reason to discredit that or disagree with it etc but it's not the same as being in the 5%.
I was just listening to an interview with an evangelical who was lesser-of-two-evils on Trump, he'll vote for Trump but he's not a True Believer.
But if the 28% are still voting for the true hate, how does that not make them complicit in what the hateful government is doing? Knowingly voting for the hateful option puts the 28% in the same pen as the 5%.
he’ll vote for Trump but he’s not a True Believer.
If you support fascists, you are a fascist. Period.
Nah, ain't no one woke up to anything. Every decade proves that human beings are capable of bad shit. Even those you would consider good, are going to have dark thoughts about someone or something. I guarantee you that there's some hidden darkness in Mr. Rogers, Levar Burton, and Bob Ross that never got revealed. Probably stuff they never even told another person. There exist people who know they are capable of really bad shit and have enough forethought to keep it inside them.
I take it as a wild ride to know that while I may not be the smartest or any kind of -est, that I have enough awareness to know that blind anger will never lead any place good. It may get results and even last centuries, but it's a hollow victory. Along a long enough time line, the victims are likely to become the oppressors. The watchers become the watched. And, the powerful become weak.
This guy smokes weed.
Feel like gut bacteria good bad and third group that follows.
Do you have any citations for this? I'd like to investigate this.
Learned it from cells at work
I dk if this is legit but it supports the show. Basically they won't do anything until something goes wrong.
This also suggests a possibility that some beneficial bacteria go rouge when there is a imbalance
No 1/4 to that 1/3 either
did this guy just call me woke? I ain't no lib!
So do the other 2/3 come together to do the killing? What's the answer Werner?!
You throw the crib door wide, and let the people come inside. Then you give them a rock to wind a piece of string around. Because everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around.
This sounds like a brand new record! For 1990!
The .00001 left over is who is running the show
Is this a reference to the ongoing genocide in palestine?
I think it's about the general air of fascism and political violence from said fascists.
When Michael Moore fans gain one (1) IQ point, they move on to Herzog.
Do you have an actual point, or... you know what? Nevermind.
I'm pretty sure the intended point was, "Werner Herzog is somewhat overrated as a documentarian, yet still slightly more sophisticated than Michael Moore."
Frederick Wiseman is the only documentarian worth watching