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[Meta] Is this community still active, or should it be closed? If it's not active anymore, any suggestions for alternatives?

Asking as the last post here was 21 days ago.

  • It's as active as people make it.

    The Mod has been MIA for 5 months but that doesn't stop other people from posting, it just means there isn't anyone on duty to jolly things along a bit.

    • As there is no active mod, could you please update the link in the sidebar to ! ? It still shows the previous version of the community on LW

      • I can't edit a community's information without being a Mod of that community. I was able to do this on the Photon frontend but that doesn't seem to be possible now. I'll have a ponder and see if there's a trick to it that I'm missing.

  • For discussion-focused alternatives, I like !

    ! is nice but sometimes a bit too news-focused for me

    • I don't think either of those communities can replace this one at all, frankly. I agree it's sad that this one isn't more active, but that will always be the nature of more high-effort attempts that aim for more original content, analysis and discussion as opposed to simple links. TrueGaming is another similar sub that was attempted to be mirrored in the Fediverse, but was hosted on and I assume it died with it.

      Patient Gamers promotes discussion, but it's aimed at a specific niche and not general as this community attempted to be. ! is a regular gaming community and will always be centered around links to news.

      • Patient Gamers promotes discussion, but it’s aimed at a specific niche and not general as this community attempted to be.

        Indeed, but at the same time, I feel like most gamers here are "patient gamers" as the demographic seem a bit older, so less time to dedicate to intensive gaming, and some bias for older titles.

        I guess on my side I'll try to focus on ! and maybe talk about more recent titles there, I don't think they would be against it as long as it's an interesting discussion

  • There's ! if you want to talk about Amiga games!

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