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Looking for other anarchist streamers

I am looking for anarchist streamers to talk/interact with. Sadly most I know are shit and do stuff like use ableist language all the time, I was hoping to find some here.

Any of yall know of any good ones or are one yourself?


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  • If you find any that stream on peertube please let me know. I abhor commercial 'social' media.

    • I had a friend that tried that. They might as well be screen sharing in discord for all the reach it gets, idk if anyone who isn't already mega popular could even do that beatifically.

      • Ah, well, I'm not interested in 'popularity' and 'reach' but I do understand in the world the way it is people have to care about such things.

        • i mean, streaming to literally 0 viewers isn't going to do much. Less popularity and more literally anyone there

          • Oh, I'm not imagining nobody would be there, just a few people that really believe in it.

            I was around twitch for a while and before that youtube, and on commercial social media I've found that it creates a sort of artificiality, lots of rules and how you have to present yourself is different to places that take a less commercial approach because the goal is money and fame to a certain degree in commercial spaces.

            Plus a lot of the time commercial places impose their will upon the viewers too, so both streamer and viewer are at the behest of a corporation which has soured on me over the years, I can never relax in such places. I feel like I'm being watched, which is probably true and they don't have to listen to any of us, they might listen to those who make them money but that's about it.

            • sadly there doesn't seem to be an effective way to find those few who really believe in it, so unless you already have that community...

              Maybe you already know of a group of people that does this and watches each other?

              And not all care about fame, and money is something that can be gotten through building mutual aid with the people there that helps everyone there. It does not need to come from being a personality there yourself, I use it as a method to recruit people for the other places I interact.

              I definitely have had some annoyances with how they interact, but I also see almost no spaces online even care about things like ableist language. I have not seen a space that does not infuriate me. Even if those spaces are commercial, it is the person running them on the smaller level that makes the most difference. These commercial spaces also often have more accessibility tools built into them and around them, so moving to something else can leave people behind which isn't good either.

              • Yeah, sadly so.

                I learned a little while ago that community isn't really what I'm looking for so I'm probably an outlier here to be honest.

                I wish I did know a group of people that did that.

                Yeah, I am glad not all care about fame, it does amaze me how people can show themselves on camera like that or at least use their voice, I could never.

                I agree about money being built through mutual aid, and I am glad that can be done, genuinely. I am glad that it works for you, that's quite the amount of work you have put in it sounds like.

                Oh, I completely agree. However, whenever I tried to call it out or in in such spaces I either got the distinct impression I was annoying the streamer, the other viewers or in a few cases have been contacted directly by the streamer and been told to stop, so this is another thing that soured me, I apparently care too much and mess up too much to hang out in such places.

                I completely agree about accessibility tools, in foss they just often aren't there because either no-one cares or they are just ignorant. However, twitch have locked a lot of their communiction and ability to watch streamers behind handing over a piece of very personal information (a phone number) which I don't consider accessible or good and in a few places it is unnecessary as they already had protections on some things. Now they have gotten rid of a dedicated safety team and are replacing it with streamers who they aren't going to pay extra for the 'privellege'. [sarcasm] there's absolutely no way that could backfire [/sarcasm].

                I'm glad that it works for you and I hope you find some decent anarchists that stream though, genuinely.

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