This bike comes in 4 different colors and a special edition, with a base pricetag of $8,595.00 and $8,720 for some of the other paint schemes. This is another motorcycle that people swear by as a great bike for beginners or experienced rides.
I have some thoughts about this bike, having test rode one of these.
First, if you're brand new to riding, this is not a good starter bike. It pulls very hard up to 60mph in under 4 seconds and is easy to whiskey throttle, crashing your new $8000+ motorcycle. It's better to buy something used producing less power if you've never ridden a motorcycle before.
But if you do have some experience under your belt, it's an amazing little machine. Quite comfortable, lots of power at legal speeds, and handles it well. You can even put saddlebags on it to tour on it.
That's some good feedback. First time riders doing wheelies off the bat. Sounds like a proper starter bike to me!
Personally, I'm not a new ride and storage is a pretty big piece of for me. I need to transport a full gym duffle bag, and my lunch bag during the work weeks.