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Israeli protesters storm military bases after soldiers detained for alleged abuse of Palestinian prisoners Israeli protesters storm military bases after soldiers detained for alleged abuse of Palestinian prisoners

Far-right lawmaker Zvi Sukkot appeared to be among those rioting after at least nine soldiers were detained on suspicion of “severe abuse of a detainee.”

Israeli protesters storm military bases after soldiers detained for alleged abuse of Palestinian prisoners

Another fracture appeared in Israeli society this week, with at least one far-right member of the government joining a crowd to storm military bases to stop soldiers from being detained on suspicion of abusing a Palestinian prisoner.

In photos and videos shared on social media, demonstrators waving Israeli flags could be seen at the Sde Teiman detention camp where Palestinian prisoners, including members of Hamas' elite Nukhba force, are known to be held.

Pictured in the crowd was far-right Israeli lawmaker Zvi Sukkot, a lawmaker for the Religious Zionism party — one of the far-right parties upon which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s fragile coalition government relies. Sukkot's office did not immediately respond to a request from NBC News for comment.