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  • Think about it like this. Most people think boy scouts in the US are a good thing right? Let's say we didn't have boy scouts. And some guy said, "Hey, Nazi Germany had boy scouts and that did a lot of good things, and some bad things. Let's make something like that, but not do the bad stuff". Using your logic, you would say, "This guy is a Nazi because boy scouts are a Nazi thing and this will lead the US to become fascist and authoritarian"

    What if the guy trying to set up the Boy Scouts regularly called themselves a fascist? Bernie, AOC and others in that sphere have "leaned in" to the Socialist label. Using your logic if a Fascist was like those "Nazi's Boy Scouts did good shit we should do that same shit." Would you consider it reasonable to worry about that movement becoming more widely fascist?

    I mean, if you can explain how single payer health care and literacy programs lead to authoritarian outcomes. I am very interested in hearing about that because I can't see it.

    Remember when Bernie was the Senate's overviewer of the VA, the largest Single Payer Healthcare system in North America? And he called reports given to his office of the wait list scandal (where the VA would internationally and systemically let vets die without care to avoid caring for them) a right wing conspiracy and dismissed them. Which prolonged the time before the scandal was dealt with.

    That immediate belief that "things that go against my world view are anti-socialist conspiracies" is exactly the pattern that causes the societal decline in Socialist societies. And that's the mindset that causes those societies to jail and punish people bringing complaints or opposing views rather than attempting to improve their societies.

    So it's not, single payer healthcare causes authoritarian societies. It's centralized control of formerly private production administered by people with a Socialist mindset causes increasingly authoritarian societies.

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