Okay, yes. But also: dragons originated from pre-radiation Africa. Every culture has it because they all had distant contact with that one.
Iirc, it's thought that the original dragon was a flying feathered serpent and also a storm god.
Edit: sorry I was falling asleep and high while writing this.
Edit2: okay, I'm sober and awake now, so I guess I should revise my statement a bit. It is my amateur understanding, as a nerd who is not in any way a scholar of mythology, that there is a theory for the origin of mythological creatures known as dragons. I cannot attest to how well-founded this model is, but I believe it goes as such: a human culture, in Africa, existed prior to homosapiens leaving the continent. This culture is believed to have had storm deity that was a feathered serpent, and that deity was the basis of all dragon myths held by cultures that left the continent and the descendants thereof.
I believe radiation in context means when humans radiated out of Africa across the world.
Meaning the dragon myth formed in Africa BEFORE people left Africa. The meaning here being that independent peoples didn’t witness something that made them all say dragon but rather they all carried the myth where they went.