The interior of your house is hot, the exterior cool. What would the most efficient orientation be for a box fan? Pushing hot air out of a window or pulling cool air in through it? (Solved)*
Secondarily, should the fan be outside or inside the window?
Asking for a friend. (Me, help. I can’t remember physics, it’s too goddamn hot)
Edit: I’ve opened all the windows and set up a fan a short distance from the window pointing out and it’s reduced the temperature to near-tolerable levels. Unfortunately, venting through the attic was a no-go but moving things aside might make it an option next time. Thank you all, I appreciate the help!
I love how a simple small A/C is essentially a more efficient version of what you just did with less wasted power, and yet every idiot here is cheering for your success.
Everyone look at this genius right here. He bought a cheap AC unit yesterday and now he is willing to shine upon all of us the light of his intelligence.