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Daily Discussion Thread: ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ Tuesday, July 09, 2024


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  • Ok gang, let's send this thread over the edge. What sport did you play during high school? What sport did you like, what sport did you hate?

    For me I played soccer, table tennis. I hated gymnastics.

    • At high school? I was a fat kid, so was condemned to the outer darkness as far as sport was concerned. Was forced to participate in basketball, hockey and swimming. Successfully avoided tennis, squash and softball/baseball, cricket and anything even remotely resembling gymnastics. As I have no depth perception above the horizon, anything that required me to catch or hit a ball overhead was doomed to failure. Also very small and badly engineered feet, so running sports were off the table too. Hockey was OK - I was the goalie (most of the time) as no one else wanted to do that bit. Had quite a lot of fun whacking people's shins with my stick (named Excalibur). Revenge is sweet. Did OK out of school at ice skating. As my Dad was ex-navy, all of my siblings and me learned to sail small boats and race them in the school holidays. Which was OK, but not really my bag long term. Also got thrown out of ballet classes due to complete lack of talent. But I do love to dance - just not ballet.

      The real irony came in my mid thirties, when due to unrelated circumstances, I did a reflex speed test. And tested out at the top 3% of the population. If only they'd offered jet fighter pilot training as a sport at my high school ... I could have been a real star at that.

      As things turned out, I ended up as a professional equestrian for over 20 years. The reflexes came in real handy for that. And on the back of a horse I didn't need to use my feet much so that was good too.

      • Wow. That's some impressive sports rรฉsumรฉ.

        • Back in the day, sport was IMPORTANT, cos Character Building. Which actually ended up being true just not the way my school planned it. I suck at team sports, but do OK at individual ones. Or did, as am now pretty much superannuated out of sport participation. I still ride when I can, as horseriding is my happy place. And ride my bike but that's transport not sport as such.

      • Nothing like a good revenge hockey stick to the shin. You may keep your horses though shudder

        • You haven't met a good one yet. And they have the world's biggest shoulders to cry on when everything goes dark. I wish I still had the physical mojo to own one. Nowadays I'm forced to ride other people's horses which is just not the same but still fun.

          • Nope. Actual phobia. A picture wonโ€™t do it but if Iโ€™m close enough to smell them Bye!

    • Ice skating.

      I made particular efforts to avoid all forms of team sports. I also sucked so badly at swimming I managed to fail a Girl Guide swimming badge.

    • Still in high school (kind of), don't play any sports, never really have. I've tried a few, I don't mind tennis, I think I might enjoy golf, at least at first, basketball isn't my vibe but is the sort of thing I enjoy watching (not professional basketball, but I won't fall asleep watching a friend play it). Hate football, fall asleep watching it, and just generally get annoyed by it (or more accurately the type of people who are obsessed with it)

      • You haven't missed much. I think most people will remember the super embarrassing sports uniforms more than the actual sport itself.

    • None outside of forced PE class. I was not a sporty kid at all. I ditched PE as soon as I could, I think year 10 was the last year it was mandated. Early high school I played tennis but I started to not like it once I had to play in competitions.

      It seems now that kids doing a sport all through high school is the norm? My parents never forced me.

      Now I play a team sport to make up for my sports-less adolescence.

    • I didn't play any sport in high school; I hated it (and still not really keen on it either). Maybe a bit of lousy badminton with friends. I did play netball in primary school till my immune system got whacked and I was never the same afterwards

    • Mostly tennis, some volleyball due to lack of choice.

      Absolutely hated swimming though, also hated gymnastics but that was due to the teacher taking it.

    • Soccer.. Rugby. Athletics. Tennis

      Loved soccer. Hated rubgy. Others were meh.

    • Mostly soccer. Some softball, hockey, and Touch. Useless at most, especially gym. If this is because my Primary school didnโ€™t teach them so I was delayed, or just a general klutz remains debatable.

    • I was fat until year 9 term 1 holidays. I grew a lot taller in what seemed like a short time.

      Also got fitter magically. Good old testosterone lol

      I played hockey and volleyball and did running as well. Was actually a pretty fast runner.


      I also played smoking and drinking at lunchtime on the oval with my mates which had detrimental effects on my athletic performance.

      These days I do rock climbing and kickboxing (plus the gym). I had a mid 30's crisis and lost a bunch of weight and put on some muscle.

      Kinda changed my whole life honestly. Was weird standing out a bit. Wasn't used to it.

    • I played soccer and footy at school.

      Netball as an extracurricular I enjoyed.

      Hated volleyball and the beep test ๐Ÿ’€

      Edit: oh and tennis, but amateur. Usually played against mum or her cousin. Didn't mind it, and I was good. But the running around I hated.

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