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Question: How do you donate to FOSS contributors

Hi guys, I want to give something back (in terms of money) to FOSS projects/devs/teams. There are lots of options like LibrePay, direct donation via PayPal, Crypto and so on.

So here is my question: is there anything you would recommend? I think I want something like this:

  • Low transaction costs
  • Payment works from inside the EU (European Union)
  • Donating to a certain project or a "pool" of projects

But I am also open to any further ideas and discussion :)

  • I just donate by whatever means the project offers. Sometimes it's paypal, sometimes patreon, sometimes GitHub sponsorship, sometimes something else like OpenCollective. Read the readme or homepage of the project to see what options they take.

  • Well, I often just do a bank transfer or card payment. I've tried to use Monero, but I've had trouble getting ahold of any crypto without selling my soul to Guardarian.