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US Election Day November 2024 Containment Megathread

put all of your election posting here so it doesn't bother anyone else!


For Agitprop purposes, I’m asking comrades to help aggregate any and all effortpost responses, critiques, or general thoughts that you have seen or written pertaining to yesterday’s U.S. election that you think have standalone value for discussion either online or IRL.

I made a post for that purpose here, and ideally it can be used not only for general discussion, but as a reference for well thought out responses in discussions about the election to save all of us some brainpower.

No shitposts please, as we’d like to highlight some comrades’ actual effort in constructing responses or analysis, but humor is 100% welcome to help make your point!

  • well i think that's a wrap, harris' campaign deflated like a whoopie cushion, and the so-called "most important election of our lifetimes" didn't even break the top 10 highest comment count smdh.

  • My final take on the election: We will be in the same country, in the same basic decline, arming the same genocide. The captain's hat can change heads, but it's the same sinking ship.

    I think Kamala will win. If she doesn't, I'm going to rip on democrats super hard and pretend it was my doing, obviously, but when someone described her as representing the "Starmer-ization" of American politics that kind of clicked with me. Executing increasingly fascist policies with a liberal veneer seems preferable to capitalists compared to a more explicitly racialized and inwardly violent fascism.

    I think blue facism gives them the dual advantage of pacifying the "soft-left" (small-L liberals, "progressives", SuccDumms -- a huge chunk of the politically active non-chuds) while pissing off the chuds so they swing extra hard to the right when they next come to power, which will in turn be normalized by the democrats as they perpetually "chase the dragon" of moderate republican voters and increasingly adopt right-wing framing of issues.

    I think this allows the capitalists to create an environment increasingly hostile towards leftism, but without rocking the boat enough to trigger a meaningful antifascist backlash. Basically capitalism's own "boil the frog" approach.

  • Remember last election when, in the final days, biden promised a huge amount of student debt relief (he lied)

    At least we got a fraction of the covid stimulus he promised (then he killed like a million people by ending lockdowns)

    Now we get NOTHING, not a promise for climate change action, or healthcare reform, or the promise to do less genocide and war. Not even a promise to take executive action on women's rights (the senate isn't going to pass a bill, and I feel like everyone secretly knows this). Shit's bleak in burgerland

  • Ukraine is obviously fucked but so is Taiwan. We aren't gonna do shit if China decides now is the time.

    president Xi, commence the invasion when ready

  • democrats really lost against one of the least intelligent or likeable people on the planet. twice.

    really incredible stuff

  • I see a lot of people here saying they dread getting blamed for Kamala losing, but isn't that the whole point? Isn't that what we wanna do anyway? Yeah, she lost our vote by supporting genocide and it sure looks like those votes would've come in handy. If the dems want to win elections they have to deal with the left as an organized voting block that's ready to call their bluff. If it's actually the left's fault she loses, that just means we're the ones they needed to listen to. Take it in stride.

    If anything, the worst outcome here is that they conclude that moderate Republicans didn't vote for Kamala in enough numbers so the next time they should try going farther to the right. Many of y'all would actually rather see the blame get put on those people without seeing that the "blame" in this situation is actually a positive thing to get, because it gives you the stage to make demands if they want your vote next time around. Now's probably the time to preempt that and say that genocide is why she didn't get our votes and our votes could've swung it in her favor.

  • Being totally jokerfied on this election is liberating

    Despite the recent polls, I still think Trump is gonna win. In fact, I will lock that in as my final prediction.

  • this idea a candidate cannot fail, only be failed, is so fucking childish. you have to convince people to support your position, via policies you argue for in an attempt to win people over. you can only fail because either A) those voters were never going to won over to that position, or B) you made a shit argument for the policies. that's the supposed nature of how this whole liberal democracy thing is supposed to work on paper. remember that? the whole democracy thing these libs keep screaming needs to be saved? the principle of democracy is convincing voters to vote for you, not brow beat them into doing so

  • last year i was talking to my cousin and they told a story about their great uncle who was a about 7 years old in 1920 for the election and his dad took him down to the polling station to see the results. this was back in the day, you understand, and you'd have to go look at a chalkboard to see the tally. anyway my great uncle twice removed or whatever he is, he looked at the tally and then looked down at the kid and said, "they didn't count my vote."

    "how do you know, dad?"

    "because it says there's 0 votes for eugene debs!"

  • on the election

    Elections are being held in the United States today, but there is no democracy in that country, the winner does not govern, the transnationals govern. Whoever wins, they will continue with the Monroe Doctrine, the Manifest Destiny and, above all, the so-called National Security Doctrine. The peoples of the world, especially the new generations, must identify that the first enemy of humanity is imperialism.

  • From dropping out before the 2020 primaries began, to losing against a once-beaten septuagenarian when there were dozens of popular issues you could have championed, Harris truly embodies going from failure to failure and just causing massive problems wherever you go. She's just like me, fr fr. except for all the support of genocide and starvation and murder and bigotry and all that.

    A truly inspiring figure in American politics.

  • It’s actually hilarious how much kammy has failed upwards. From getting absolutely roasted in the primary last time around to president in one cycle. Supporting genocide really takes you places in the USA

  • The midseason finale where Trump got shot and Biden dropped out was great, but everything since then has just been table-setting and I'm not sure the writers are going to be able to stick the landing. Kinda wish they'd just cancel the show already.