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  • @SrMono Libreoffice would be an alternative if it were not for the fact that universities in Europe often require writing in microsoft word because of anti-plagiarism systems. In schools, I remember having Linux and not being able to complete homework assignments because I was required to give PowerPoint presentations :/

    • If you get the office package you can use it in the web Interface via Luckyly my university doesn't force me to use this proprietary bullshit. Also most of the university (e.g. the VPN for connecting to the university network or the printing software for the printers) are available on Linux.

    • Hi, I feel you. This is a crosspost. In the original post I’m ranting about businesses and officals not adopting/accepting the Open Document Format.

  • It's ok. A bit of a learning curve to get the best settings for your needs, but its doable. To get rid of microsofts office suite its definitely an option.