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Is there a better WebUI?

I know that is at first a geo database but has anyone build a better web ui where i can plan routes with public transport just like on google maps

Edit: I have found one which works for me: it isn't open source but that wasn't a requirement

  • There are quite a few frontends for OSM that let you plan routes, like OSMAnd~. There's one that I can't remember the name of which lets you choose profiles based on your mode of transport.

    If you find that details are missing, you can use apps like Street Complete and MapComplete to fill in the blanks 👍

    • I can’t remember the name of which lets you choose profiles based on your mode of transport.

      BRouter Web maybe?

      • I haven't used that one. I've checked, and it's OSMAnd~ and Organic Maps that have those options.

        It's a good thing that I checked too, as I found out that some of the pavements / sidewalks in my area don't seem to allow cycling, when there shouldn't be a restriction, and the walking routing seems to take a longer route now and then.