ZENSHU • Zenshuu. - Episode 5 discussion
ZENSHU • Zenshuu. - Episode 5 discussion
ZENSHU • Zenshuu. - Episode 5 discussion
Hubris comes before the fall, as Justice, a former Nine Solder, told Natsuko. We finally depart from the episodic format as butterfly effects reveal aspects of the Tale of Perishing universe that Natsuko was never aware of.
Gotta say, reusing Natsuko's ability sequence is very smart. Not only it looks very pretty, but it reduces the cuts the animators have to draw.
T-posing to assert dominance.
Having reusable cool looking transformation and attack sequences is nothing new, but having the main character's face constantly covered by hair so they mostly don't have to animate her eyes and mouth is a new one on me.
Yeah, not even Violinist of Hameln pulled that one. (They did have one character who wore a half-face mask all the time so that they could get away with not animating her lip movements as even a simple flap, and I think I remember several conversations where the speaker was deliberately shot from behind.)
Of course, there's no way Zenshu has VoH's extreme budgetary constraints, where they literally had to make 1 ep's worth of funding cover 2 eps of footage.
I'm glad to see the actual drama of this show revolve around Hirose's understanding of storytelling, anime, and office teamwork.
The last few episodes were slow playing it. But it's clear it's all building up for Hirose. I'm worried how dark a Tale of Parishing will get, but I'm glad it's a bigger challenge than what Hirose has accomplished this far.
We get some, uh, character development with Destiny, we get introduced to Justice (and actual character development), and we have a brief encounter with lady-bird.
It was a bit hard to watch the end with all the foreshadowing that Natsuko was going to mess things up.
With how confident Natsuko became it was bound to happen but seriously man, they didn't have to make it such a cliffhanger...
Interesting episode.
It gives me hope after the unsatisfying conclusion to last week's episode. I was hoping that that ass-pull that supposedly resolved the last crisis was going to be treated as an unsatisfying ass-pull in-universe, and though they didn't address that one specifically, that was the broad concept in this episode. Basically, Natsuko was coasting on hubris and unwarranted confidence (not coincidentally just like she apparently was in the real world), and now it's blowing up in her face.
And Justice looks to be an interesting addition.
Looking forward to the next episode
First time hearing about the show, tried to look into it, watched a couple of trailers and all the comments say that's not what the show is about at all.
So I guess I won't watch the show.