It's funny that Republicans want to force women to have babies but then also complain about women that have too many babies and refer to them as "welfare babies" but also want to defund social aid programs and not provide additional resources to foster kids and orphanages.
Well, it was a run-on thought! It really does feel that convoluted when you try and figure it out, but rest assured, you've now thought about this in more depth than most conservatives!
If they want that they should make it financially viable to do so. I want kids, but realistically I can't afford it. I'm not going to be irresponsible and inflict existence on somebody if I can't care for them properly.
I’d like to see how many people who have abortions later on choose to have a child. I think the “what if” logic for not having an abortions should also be applied to when having an abortion.
That doesn't even make any sense. Of course someone might get an abortion when they're young and don't have the means to support a child, then actually have one later on in life when they do and can.