It doesn't have crumble zones, it has pointy edges, it is wider than the allowed 2,55m. The list probably goes on for way longer. Even the back mirror might not be suitable.
That’s overkill, LITERALLY just throw saltwater on it. You would only need to scratch a surface that has some kind of coating. These are just bare stainless, and not even very corrosion resistant stainless at that.
Probably the same way it was able to be released in the USA, they paid the off the crash testers. USA NTSB is a joke. Whatever happened to their power to force cars to have safety.
I don't care, that's still broken. The inertia from a sudden hard impact should not cause a non-impacted wheel to either move or even suddenly 'steer' for any reason.
Yes I totally get that these are extreme forces in question, but the parts and suspension system should be built stronger than that, where inertia alone won't cause damage to non-impacted parts on the opposite end of the vehicle.
If you watched the whole video, he later dismisses it as the back wheels can turn as well, so they probably just folded in without them necessarily breaking
Now I'm no genius, but I am something of a mechanic, with experience in suspension systems amongst many other things.
I can assure you that there is absolutely no reason for a non-impacted wheel to 'fold in' like you said, I don't care if it has rear wheel steering or not.