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  • I was standing under a tree once and a drop of blood fell on my hand out of nowhere. This makes sense!

    • I was in my parents' yard once and something wet fell on my head. I touched it and it was blood red. Totally thought I was bleeding until I noticed tiny berry seeds in the substance. My grandma said that happening to me meant I'd have good luck.

      • Was it good luck for something?

        • She just said general good luck. I believed her because I'm convinced she a witch or druid or some shit. She has this uncanny ability to know things she has no way of knowing. She's also absolutely incredible with plants.

          • Your grandma sounds hot


            Sorry, didn’t mean to objectify her, I can just imagine her as a Druid growing some bitchin plants 😁

            • Lmao apparently she was hot when she was young. She isn't blood related to me, so I didn't inherit any cool plant powers from her. I'm actually terrible with plants, tbh. Great with ducks, though.

    • Congratulation to thee friend! You hef been splashed by the menstruating bat! You hef many years of great fortune ahead!

      • Hah it happened when I was a wee lass and well life sucked afterwards, oh well 😅

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