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Biden’s Israel policy may hasten Trump’s rise, US allies fear

As the president begins his last international trip before the election, the fear in the crowd is that conflict in Gaza is tripping him up.


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  • Okay, there's also no point in waiting for him to do that either. If that's what you're waiting for in order to vote for him, you might as well just vote for Trump.

    • Well, if not gonna move an inch we all better plan ahead as if he's already lost.

      • ...or you can work on getting out the vote to prevent the guy who literally says he's going to be a dictator get into office.

        Your bizarre "we have to force Biden to do something or fuck it all" attitude is so ridiculously unhelpful.

        • Helpful? The defeatist attitude isn't helpful either. Why are people being held to higher standards than the dipshit they're being asked to vote for? It's easier to get one old piece of shit to act to his own interests and do the bare fucking minimum and stop murdering children than to convince a lot of people to support murdering children.

          • How exactly is me saying that it behooves us to educate people a defeatist attitude? I'd say that "Biden needs to do this or else I won't vote for him" is defeatist since you know he won't do that.

            • you know he won’t do that.

              That attitude. If you think he prefers Trump over trying to at least appear like he doesn't enjoy drinking orphan blood then your opinion of him is even lower than mine.

              • That's not defeatism, that's realism. Neither Trump or Biden will change America's pro-Israel stance that America has had for decades and only a fool would think otherwise. So basing your vote on that and refusing to vote for him if he doesn't is also foolish because it will result in a dictatorship.

                "Either he does what I want or I let the dictator win" is as foolish as it gets.

                • Why can't he change his own stance? It would be very foolish of him to allow a dictatorship to take hold because of that.

                  • He can, but expecting him to and not voting for him if he doesn't is, again, extremely foolish. All it does is get the other guy with the exact same stance, but who also wants a dictatorship and concentration camps to win.

                    Because you didn't get your way.

                    In fact, that's not just as foolish as it gets, it's as selfish as it gets.

                    I'm guessing you aren't trans, which is why you have this attitude. You won't be thrown into a concentration camp so it's fine for you.

                    The only bad genocide is the one happening on the other side of the world, after all. Genocide of trans people? That's not a bad thing, is it?

                    • Damn it sucks that Joe would rather support two genocides than none. Good luck

                      • Sounds more like you would rather support two genocides. Biden can't force you to not vote or vote for someone else, that's on you.

                        And by not voting to stop Trump, you're voting in favor of trans genocide.

                        Which you're obviously okay with.

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