In the wake of the recent European Parliament elections, the Pirate Party has lost its representation in the legislative body. This outcome was confirmed by Patrick Breyer, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a prominent figure within the Pirate Party. Breyer, known for his staunch opposit...
Patrick Breyer, a staunch defender of digital rights, laments the Pirate Party’s exit from the EU Parliament as a blow to online privacy.
We just had a vote for government officials along the EP vote. Less than 60% turned up which means the most common vote was a vote for nothing. The average voter doesn't care.
At least voters who don't turn up are harmless. If all the people who voted for EPP-affiliated parties just didn't turn up instead, we'd face far fewer problems.
What a load of bullshit, Voters that don't turn up are the most dangerous of them all, because it lowers the percentage and skews the votes. If 40% go voting and make their vote invalid, those 40% still get counted, meaning the percentage for other parties is overall lower.
More and more the average voter earns minimum wage, has to pay increasing rent, increasing food prices, has shit education, degrading public healthcare, etc... last thing on their mind is voting and when they do they follow what the (not independent at all) media feeds down their throats.