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Holy shit we better slobber on Biden's dick or else the things that are currently happening will happen, except orange!


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  • Both a Democratic and Republican party are going towards the same destination. It's fascism.

    It's just that one party is currently walking towards it and the other is running towards it.

    To maximize the amount of time we have to organize, we should vote for the walking one. Unfortunately, this means holding our nose and voting for Biden.

    • This is your opinion, and it's a valid one, but understand that due to the circumstances it's in extremely bad taste to expect others to feel the same. Nothing worse than someone trying to shame someone into voting for the person who is actively persecuting them and/or their loved ones.

      Instead, put that energy into persuading the fascists to change, and then vote however your conscience leads you.

      Technically your comment violates rules 2 and 5 btw. I'd recommend you read the sidebar or the stickied post.

      • Nothing worse than someone trying to shame someone into voting for the person who is actively persecuting them and/or their loved ones.

        Isn't that what both parties have done since before we were born?

      • Yes, all feelings are valid. The correct answer though, depends on the outcomes you desire. If you personally want to maximize the amount of time we have to improve the current system, then voting for Biden is the correct choice here. If you don't, that is fine too, I am not judging.

        I will only judge if your actions/rhetoric don't align with what you want to maximize in this world.

        As for violating 2. I disagree, working within a broken system is not defending it. There are may ways I would like to improve the current US "democracy".

        As for violating 5. I agree, my post is violating it. Should I take it down?

        Sorry about that, the phone app I use doesn't make is easy to see the rules.

        • No, no need. I just want you to be aware. There are a lot of places where people seem led to believe that yelling and framing their opinion as correct is tactically sound. Ironically, such tactics will potentially lose voters.

          I will only judge if your actions/rhetoric don't align with what you want to maximize in this world

          But I repeat, there is no "correct" answer, and therefore no judgment. I'd reserve judgment for people who actually defend opinions that objectively cause harm -- such as the bi-partisan support for genocide and border fascism.

          I myself am struggling with whether/how to vote. Maybe try ... not deporting people's family if you want their votes? Or not bombing their infant children? Just a thought...

          • But I repeat, there is no “correct” answer, and therefore no judgment.

            I agree, there is no globally "correct" answer. For example, a leftist and a fascist cant both achieve the outcomes they want by doing the same thing. Either an action is good for the leftist or the fascist. There are a few exceptions like eating, drinking, and sleeping, where both will be helped, but doesn't really help their political causes.

            If I said to you, that I wanted to make a sandwich right now. Doing that wouldn't be inherently correct or incorrect, because it is my life and I want a sandwich. But if I then started to play videogames, you can then say that my actions are not correct per my goal of immediately making a sandwich. There are a number of things that I could do to start making a sandwich like getting utensils or checking the fridge for ingredients, that would align with my goal of making a sandwich and their for would be correct. We could argue about which steps are more correct than others, but depending on the situation, that may not be necessary.

            Likewise, if someone claiming to be fascist was telling other fascists not to vote for Trump. That would not be correct behavior for a fascist. That person is acting incorrectly against their stated goals. That means either they don't have all the facts of the situation, or they are lying about being a fascist.

            Now, am I saying that if you plan to vote for Trump, you are a fascist, no, I don't know what you are. All I am saying is your actions are in line with someone who is a fascist and that is pretty sus.

            To summarize, if someone has a stated goal, they can be correct/incorrect relative to that stated goal.

            I myself am struggling with whether/how to vote

            A good first step is to figure out which way you want to vote is to figure out what you want to maximize/minimize the world. If you hypothetically want to minimize genocide you have to estimate how much genocide will happen if Trump gets elected vs Biden gets elected. Count, up those numbers and act toward the best possible outcome per your goals.

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