Yeah it's like arguing that a jigsaw puzzle isn't real, despite seeing it laid out before them completely assembled but missing 6 or 7 of the hundreds of puzzle pieces.
19th century writers did us no favors when they started using 'missing link' to describe gaps in the human fossil record. Creationists ran wild with the idea that there is such a thing. Of course, now we have countless examples of transitional fossils and understand that evolution is not just jumping from one species to another species with well-defined separators between those two species, subverting the whole concept of a 'missing link.'
A lot of dinosaurs I grew up learning about never even actually existed; they just came to be because archeology played fast and loose with the bones and was just making shit up.
I have not read the book myself- someone elsewhere posted the images- but if the snail thing someone else posted is from the same book, and it appears to be, the answer is: terribly.
Ah ok, so what they mean to say isn't so much that fossils contradict evolution but that the existence of fossils can be explained by the biblical account of Noah's Flood.
Not the same thing of course, but then hardly surprising given the apparent level of scientific understanding on display.
Young Earth Creationists will go off on all sorts of tangents to explain it. Like how the fossils were put there by satan to spread doubt.
Even when I was a Christian, YEC’s were the idiots we made fun of. It’s an entirely unnecessary contrivance, all because they imagine that the humans who wrote everything were infallible.