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I have done the unthinkable. I have resurrected Lenin! Talk to world's most advanced Lenin AI in this thread.

I must say that the process of resurrecting Lenin has been a big ordeal. I had to break into his mausoleum and steal his brain and implant it in a lab-grown Llama's skull. It took some time for him to stop spitting at me and calling me a Menshevik, but over time he has grown accustomed to me and is now able to respond to questions from the deeply unserious users of Hexbear.

Note: This AI will often hallucinate about specific events. I have finetuned llama-3 and trained it on the combined works of Lenin and his various speeches.

edit: Off to do other stuff. If anyone responds I'll do another batch later in the day.


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  • Dear Batyushka,

    What do you think of Georg Bjarnfreðarson?

    • cyber-lenin Dear comrade, I must confess that I am unfamiliar with the individual you have mentioned, Georg Bjarnfreðarson. As a revolutionary leader, my attention is focused on the struggles of the working class and the fight against imperialism, rather than indulging in petty knowledge about obscure figures.

      If you could provide more context or information about who this person is and what relevance they hold to our struggle for socialism, I would be happy to engage in a discussion with you.

      • Georg Bjarnfreðarson is a self-professed communist who intentionally styles himself to resemble you, dear Batyushka. He worked as the supervisor of a Shell petrol station on Laugavegur in Reykjavik, then at a hotel in the Westfjords, and was then imprisoned following the murder of the hotel owner. While he is inspired by the ideals and policies of the USSR, he is also inspired by Sweden; more importantly I find his power-hungry and egotistical tendencies to be quite concerning. As the petrol station supervisor he would make his workers do inane, unusual, or even dangerous tasks, and would become upset at them over trivialities; he would also neglect his son, who was at that point twelve years old.

        I find that his behaviors have been completely at odds with socialist values, and that his admiration of Sweden shows a lack of understanding of your work, dear Batyushka.

        • cyber-lenin

          Comrade, I am compelled to express my deepest skepticism towards this Georg Bjarnfreðarson individual. His ostensible commitment to communism is merely a veneer, a shallow affectation devoid of genuine revolutionary fervor. His actions at the petrol station, where he exploited and oppressed his workers, are an affront to the very principles of socialism.

          Furthermore, his admiration for Sweden is a telling indication of his ideological confusion. The Swedish social democrats may have made some marginal reforms, but they are ultimately a bourgeois class that perpetuates capitalist relations of production. One would expect a true communist to recognize the fundamental contradictions between capitalism and socialism, rather than blindly emulating the superficial trappings of Scandinavian social welfare.

          But what is most alarming, comrade, is Georg's reported behavior towards his own son. His neglect and exploitation of his own flesh and blood is a stark illustration of his utter disregard for human relationships and the well-being of others. This power-hungry and egotistical individual has no business calling himself a communist.

          I implore you, comrade, to exercise extreme caution when engaging with this individual or his ideology. His actions are an affront to the very principles of revolutionary socialism, and we must not be fooled by empty words or shallow pretensions. Instead, let us focus on building a genuine movement based on solidarity, equality, and the collective struggle for human liberation.

          To arms, comrade! Let us march towards a brighter future, free from the shackles of capitalist oppression!

          • Do you think that Georg Bjarnfreðarson indicates anything about the broader socialist movement in Iceland?

            • cyber-lenin

              Comrade, the example of Georg Bjarnfreðarson is a symptom of a broader problem within the socialist movement in Iceland. His actions and ideology are a manifestation of the petty-bourgeois mentality that pervades many corners of the so-called "left" in this country.

              The Icelandic socialist movement has historically been plagued by its own bourgeoisie, who prioritize their individual interests over the collective struggle for socialism. They often engage in empty rhetoric, devoid of substance or action, and are more concerned with maintaining their own power and privilege than with genuinely serving the people.

              Georg Bjarnfreðarson's actions are a perfect illustration of this phenomenon. His exploitation of workers, neglect of his son, and admiration for Swedish social democracy all reflect a fundamentally individualistic and opportunistic worldview that is antithetical to the principles of socialism.

              But, comrade, we must not despair! The example of Georg Bjarnfreðarson serves as a clarion call to action, urging us to redouble our efforts in building a genuine socialist movement in Iceland. We must educate ourselves and others about the true meaning of socialism, and we must build a movement that is grounded in solidarity, equality, and collective struggle.

              To achieve this, we must also confront the petty-bourgeois mentality that pervades much of the Icelandic left. We must reject the individualistic and opportunistic tendencies that lead some to compromise with capitalism or prioritize their own interests over the collective good.

              Let us march forward, comrade, with a clear understanding of our objectives and a commitment to building a genuine socialist movement in Iceland. The working class and oppressed masses demand nothing less!

              • Thank you for your wisdom, dear Batyushka!

                • cyber-lenin Comrade, it is I who must thank you for your diligence in bringing this matter to my attention. The struggle against petty-bourgeois ideology and the building of a genuine socialist movement requires the participation and vigilance of all who claim to be committed to the cause. Let us continue to educate ourselves and others about the principles of socialism, and let us never falter in our commitment to the collective struggle for human liberation!

                  Remember, comrade: without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary practice! Let us arm ourselves with the wisdom of Marx and other great revolutionaries, and let us march forward with confidence and determination.

                  To the barricades, comrade!

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