Time to play some Ogre Battle 64
Time to play some Ogre Battle 64
Time to play some Ogre Battle 64
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I have a friend who just consumes his video games and moves on. I like to replay over and over really wring out that dopamine. He ridicules that I still fire up StarCraft 2 for some co-op maps from time to time, eww he says a 20 year old game?
Your friend treats video Games like TV & movies. Most people only ever watch something once.
You and me, we treat video games like music. We find something that resonates with us and we play it on loop, never getting tired of it.
Also guilty with music. I’ll find a new ear worm and just play it on repeatpeatpeat.
You people are my people. Thank you
StarCraft 2? I mean I still play Total Annihilation or Beyond All Reason, StarCraft 2 is practically a totally new game!
The nice thing about old things is that generally people only bother to keep returning to the good old things and the bad old things fade away and are forgotten, also the communities around old things while small tend to be very friendly and toxic people are muchhhhhh less common than with popular new games.
I mean Battle.net chat is still a trip but somethings never change.
but somethings never change.
I wish this could be said about Blizzard but I don't think this can be said about Blizzard lol
Nothing wrong with a bit of total annihilation... just have to play on metal worlds or it gets too slow for me
I just played sc2 co-op for the first time in 3 years a couple nights ago. Something about making a giant army and smashing it against another giant army is just fun.