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Should I date now if I have to move in a few months to a place that is hours away by car and would likely have more potential suitors?

Please be kind as this topic is a pain point for me. I'm feeling the pressure of finding my significant other because I'm at an age where it seems like everyone in my social media feed is getting engaged, married, or having kids. The issue is I have a huge transition coming up and will have to move in a few months to a place that is a few hours away by car. I will have a lot more free time soon before moving, but then after I've moved to the new location I will be extremely busy and worry that I won't be able to sustain a relationship, let alone a long distance one. However, I am very aware that the clock is ticking and something else to consider is that I need to rely heavily on dating apps currently, whereas there would likely be more potential suitors where I'm headed to. What if I do find the right person during this seemingly short window of time? What if we could make the long distance work or he wanted to move with me? Or do you think it is smarter and there is more potential for me to meet someone at the new location after getting situated? Any advice or suggestions are welcome. Thank you!


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  • I would recommend against apps intended for dating. The companies that run then are not in the business of setting to successful relationships but making money off of repeat customers. Better to engage in social activities where you can find people who you have things in common with.

    I'm feeling the pressure of finding my significant other because I'm at an age where it seems like everyone in my social media feed is getting engaged, married, or having kids.

    Do YOU want these things?

    What if I do find the right person during this seemingly short window of time? What if we could make the long distance work or he wanted to move with me?

    First, thing that I'd like to advise here is that you shouldn't worry about this. It's not pretty and romantic but, there is no "one" for anyone. And I don't mean that in a nihilistic way. There are many "ones" out there for every one of us. It's all about being in the right place, right time, and condition. There are over 8 billion humans on this planet. That number is so large that it is literally impossible for humans to envision and comprehend the quantity. The chances of there not being a potential partner for you with a high level of compatibility is vanishingly small.

    As for if you were to find someone, be honest from the beginning. If they make it problematic, then they are not respecting you and they're not a "one".

    Or do you think it is smarter and there is more potential for me to meet someone at the new location after getting situated?

    I think that you should ask yourself what you want in life, overall, as well as what you want now. It sounds like you are fairly young so, you likely need to explore more and discover who you are and want to be. Dating or just plain socializing is probably a good way to keep up your social skills but also to learn more about yourself and others. But don't think that this are the only choices. You don't have to date. You don't have to marry. You don't have to ever have kids. Those are your decisions, noone elses. Hell, you could even be aro/ace. And that's just fine and worth exploring as well if none of that relationship stuff draws you.

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