More than 175 [lab mice] were found dead, and the city took possession of the remaining animals in April and euthanized 773.
I hope the checked in with the CDC before they did that. Nothing of concern was found this time, but taking lab mice from an illegal biochemical situation could be dangerous.
Risky reply in this case. Took me a second to realize you weren't agreeing with the one you replied to. Guessing that's why you're currently downvoted.
Douchey bullshit because yours has the same tone. I work with various government systems; they're held together by tape and hopes, and I know this because I'm one of the people tasked with using said tape.
There may very well be protocols in place for this kind of thing, but protocols are rarely adhered to very firmly, because everyone believes that someone has a clue of what they're doing.
Do you think the group that found this were professionals at infectious disease control? My fear was a county inspector took the animals without realizing the severity of the situation.