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Calls for smartphone-free childhood grow in Britain Calls for smartphone-free childhood grow in Britain

Almost all pupils in Britain now get a mobile phone around the age of 11 or 12. Read more at

Calls for smartphone-free childhood grow in Britain

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  • [US social psychologist Jonathan Haidt] links the rise of the “phone-based childhood”, continual supervision by adults and the loss of “free play” to spikes in mental illness in young people.

    So phones are one out of three of the cited problems, but the only one they're doing anything about. These poor kids are going to have to deal with helicopter parents and no free time with one less form of escape. Something tells me that'll make it worse.

    • Who is 'they'?

      You're acting like there exists some single high council of concerned people who have unilaterally decided to pin all childhood woes on the phones, when this is a single article primarily about a particular group of UK parents who've focused on this issue and who presumably were never in contact with this American psychologist.

      How do you know that these parents haven't also considered helicopter parenting and free play? Do you know them?

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