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  • Why are some of your Posts really good and funny and some are just straight up rightwing nonsense?

    • What is here rightwing for you? 🤦

      • The whole statement in this Post. These are populist phrases that I usually only hear from right-wing people.

        Or this Post. This one shows Germany and suggest that the News are fearmongering but does not mention the context. For example, that the maps are adjusted to the Season. 27°C are much warmer in Spring and therefore red, then 32°C in Summer.

        And exactly the Post with the Weather maps are something which was blown way out of proportion from followers of the ultra nationalist AFD-Party in Germany and other right-winged people.

        • It has nothing to do with your german Afd. What are you trying to frame here?

          • I'm frameing nothing. What I said is Posts like this are the exact type I see and hear from People LIKE AFD-Voters aka (far) right-wingers. Which again is an answer of your question what I thought is right winged here.

            • To be fair, that is link I have posted to someone else in this sub: That's FACT!

              But your answers are just supporting your german problem. You are trying to frame people politicaly as right wing or Afd in every posible way. That's populism from being brainwashed. I think you are watching to much your german television. As germans you started WW2 because similar propaganda. Chill out bro

              • You know what? I guess you are either trolling or just trapped in a Bubble where I can't help you out of. I reported you and your post (The One With The Weather Maps, don't get confused again 😉) for spreading misinformation. And I can only advise everyone else to do the same thing.

                I'm just going to Block you now. I hope you find your way out.

                • Reporting me: like typical brave german fascist in 1939. Freedom of speech is painful for close minded and brainwashed. I know. Again you proved it.

                  Oh block me. So I don't have to see your Troll comments.

                  Thank you

              • Yeah Insects are allowed as Food, which I have never questioned? I just said your phrasing is populist in a way I only know from far right wingers. And your Post with the WEATHERMAPS is straight up Misinformation.

                • Weathermaps were showed in your TV so you should report them for spreading misinformation not someone that is laughing at it. LOL

                • Maybe in your mind. I think it is just funny how your german TV is presenting a similar temperature depending on political ideology or narrative. It is not a missinformation but fact. You are consuming it and being aggressive against some humor against it. Chill. Be open minded, friendly and kind and not rude as fascist german in 1939

                  • Read the corrective article. Use a translator. See the ratio, lots of people thinking it's not "funny". The only one pushing an Agenda in a fascist way seems to be you.

                    • Not everyone has to think like you and be directly n.zi or right wing. That's your Germans problem to be extremely intolerant. You should have learned from the past and history of your country. You have had many great scientists and thinkers but also behaved as propaganda sheep blindly following ideology that is very dangerous! People were discriminated and killed because of it. Currently germans tend to be extremely leftwing oriented and aggressive against others. Maybe you are not aware of it but in both cases it is fascist and dangerous!

                      So relax and don't be aggressive to others'meanings. Peace bro

        • I think you germans are mostly easy to be brainwashed. lol. In WW2 to right extremist, now to leftwing extremist. What you are missing as germans is healthy central mindset.

          • I literally showed you facts how a Post you made was Misinformation and I'm easy to Brainwash? Sure Buddy.

            • I provided a valid link with facts and you call it a misinformation... No more questions, it shows your populism

              • What? No you don't. Which Link are you talking about?

                EDIT: Are you talking about the Link in your answer to someone else? Which states there is no real Problem with eating Insects?

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