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Biden is using the 'are you better off today' question to contrast himself with Trump Biden is using the 'are you better off today' question to contrast himself with Trump

President Joe Biden has opened a new line of attack against former President Donald Trump. At a campaign fundraiser in the Dallas area on Wednesday, Biden asked and answered the classic “are you better off today than you were four years ago” question to remind voters of what it was like when Trump w

Biden is using the 'are you better off today' question to contrast himself with Trump

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  • things being very bad in different ways under two different presidents does not make one a better candidate over the other nor does it make either a good choice

    where are they hiding the better candidates?

    • If y'all are going to post an incessant drumbeat of why Biden sucks, I'm just gonna keep pasting a few of the reasons why he doesn't. It's not just that he's a vast, democracy-preserving improvement over Trump (although, he is); he actually did several things which are unprecedented in modern US president terms:

      • He took the biggest action on climate change in US history; the goal of the climate bill is to put us on track for a 40% reduction in US emissions by 2030. It’s way too late but that’s clearly not Biden’s fault since he started fighting for it basically as soon as he got into office, and managed to achieve passed legislation which is several standard deviations above the norm for “let’s ignore it until we’re underwater and on fire” US politician status quo.
      • He ordered the forgiveness of half a trillion dollars in student debt, about a third of the current total balance, and the Supreme Court told him no. He’s still managed to forgive (edit: $138) $144 billion worth of it even against stiff Republican “no we need that money to give to Wall Street criminals pls” resistance.
      • He introduced a bill to legalize marijuana federally, which the Republicans killed in the senate.
      • He achieved the lowest unemployment in 20 years after having been handed an economy that was still digging out from the apocalypse that was 2020.
      • Wages at the bottom end of the economy have actually been growing, outpacing inflation, every single year that he's been president. The top 10% of wage earners actually have lost some ground, it's true -- that probably makes "wages are growing" not feel true to most Lemmy users, because for tech workers, they're shrinking. But the majority of US wage earners have been making more and more year by year. $15/hr is the new unofficial minimum wage in a lot of sectors. That's not enough, but it's sure as shit better than when he came in and unemployment was 6% and a lot of people and businesses were still dependent on Covid-aid stimulus payments.

      The shitshow that is supporting Israel during its accelerating genocide, I won't defend all that much. But the overall attempt to paint him as any type of run of the mill crappy-performing Democrat is just totally disconnected from how things have changed in the last 4 years.

      All the folks that like to post one-off discouraging comments like this one haven't had much success in trying to say any of the above isn't true.

      • I regret that I have but one upvote to give. Keep fighting the good fight against misinformation.

        Biden has been a remarkably good president under incredibly challenging legislative and judicial circumstances. He didn't do everything he promised? It's a miracle he was able to do anything at all!

        Give the man a blue Congress and watch.

      • him and prosecutor Harris fired staffers over cannabis and after making promises failed to do anything but pardon a very small portion of convicted cannabis users and without police reform like he also promised the divided states have gone as far as border like patrol on their borders and all the cannabis policies he could be seen as having a helping hand in have only helped corporate cannabis and the militarized police who he refuses to reign in

        he never fulfilled the upping the minimum to $15 and places like Wally's Hell have lowered the start pay to below precovid levels lower than $15 an hour and that is just one business and corporations have been using free slave mean correctional institution residents for free labor

        consistently shat all over workers just like threating the rail workers if they kept up the protest for better work conditions

        Roe v. Wade fell on his watch and his solution? give him more funding and sign an executive order for researching women's health or some less than quarter assed pile of manure

        what makes that man worth a vote?

        make it make sense

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