Continuous unending growth will work bro. Please trust me! Expecting infinite growth within a system with finite resources definitely makes sense and is totally sustainable.
the unfortunate thing is they'll push a company for growth and after a certain point the company starts to destroy itself from within to continue growing. They'll sell their shares at that point, run the company into the ground, support a new startup that will grow. rinse and repeat. voilà! infinite growth.
I don't think we need unending growth, but Tesla stock price reflected expected growth. Which this rating basically denies. In other words "TSLA is overvalued"
Yeah. If anything, Wall Street and the stock market in general are just social impressions of companies. Facebook went from 150 to 80 to 500 in a year with no real changes other than firing a bunch of people (and rehiring a lot of them back or otherwise backfilling those slots).