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YSK that is now federating, adding hundreds of communities and ~26k more users content

Because they don't get listed by you'll want to browse to browse "magazines", which is what they call communities

e.g. !

or directly,

Why YSK: Federation literally just synched up thanks to the tireless efforts by over the past few days.


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  • replying to myself from mastodon!

    • How…? I think my head just exploded. 🤯

      • What is a reddit thread if not a root tweet with a bunch of replies (and replies to the replies) formatted in a way that you see the organization of the replies?

        • I like this idea and the Mastedon app seems much faster to post… that’s really my only wish list item from lemmy right now. I’m figuring that’s a temporary imbalance of increase activity and server bandwidth/speed? I understand we are decentralized but so is Mastodon and at least my instance is very smooth and fast.

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