92% of Palestinians support hamas, they spit on the Israeli children as they were dragged off to be raped and murdered. Both sides are pure evil, supporting either side is smooth brain move. Fuck Israel, fuck palestine.
why would you create a false equivelence between the opressed and the opressors, the genocided and the genocidal, Palistine has a right to stand up and stop the Genocide. This is not some topic you can sit of the fence for, this is not some "both sides are bad" move, there is a genocide going on, and your choices are to oppose the genocide or not to oppose a genocide, that is it, its really simple
Pro PRC, yes, Pro Russia, I would not say that, in the geopolitical sense they are preferable to NATO, troll, I would not classify myself as troll but to each their own, and most of the time, I am not the one doing the baiting nor the straw maning. That being said, Thank you for looking at you comment history, and felt the need to call my standing up fpr a people under genocide trolling, I feel so special now
And why are you mentioning Israel? I very clearly said fuck Israel. You clearly only have the capacity to see everything as good vs evil, so one side must be good.
"Overall, we rate UN Watch Right Biased based on information and political positions that favor the right and Mostly Factual due to the use of poor sources that have failed fact checks."
Man, you cannot, for the life of you, say one factual thing in this entire thread.