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$3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back

Corporate America may be bumping up against the limit of its power to keep raising prices as consumers in some markets cry uncle.

$3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back

"Even though we're pushing through pricing, the consumer is tolerating it well," he said in October analyst call.

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$3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back

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  • As someone who works in a mom and pop restaurant, I understand this. McDonalds is huge and buys/manufactures in bulk, sure, so their prices are gonna be cheaper, but their costs are still going up like the rest of us. It kills me to keep seeing our menu updates, but food is fucking expensive now. I'm not saying that McDonalds isn't pulling down a tidy profit, and if food costs dropped they probably wouldn't drop their price, but I don't put the price increase solely on them. Food costs are rising all over, and it's killing the business. I have a spreadsheet from 6 years ago when I first started analyzing our costs, and my most recent sheet shows anywhere between 150 and 200% increase across the board. That's absurd. So, blame McDonalds for whatever you want, I won't stop you, but make sure to aim some hate at the production side of things as well.

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