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Is any New Trek good? Or is it just all "Pew pew were a prestige TV gritty action show now." stuff?

I'm curious to creck some of the new stuff out but it all looks so not Star Trek

By New Trek I mean Discovery, Picard, Strange New World and Lower Decks

Wow that's a lot of series.

I like the optimism of Star Trek and apparently a lot of New Trek kind of abandons that? sadness


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  • Yeah, Star Trek: Resurgence is great. It's a Telltale style game set in the TNG era and gets it. The first act is spot on quality Trek, and the rest is still decent multi-episode finale stuff. Thankfully avoids over-indulging in nostalgia as well - though Riker makes an appearance, which is sadly terribly phoned in - but I don't remember that obnoxious, masturbatory shit every revival does these days where the characters turn to the camera to talk about how cool they think the old stuff was.

    Prodigy is a solid kids show, but it's not really going to scratch that Trek itch. It's action adventure that'd probably be a better fit in another sci-fi property. I still appreciate it, it's the kind of thing that's fun to watch with kids while still being adult friendly, and I'm not sure you could do a young kids show in the structure of peak Trek anyway.

    Strange New Worlds is okay, inoffensive at least. I wouldn't go as far to say good, it managed to whiff an in-all-but-name adaptation of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas which seems like it should have been a freebie. But at least it tried something that feels like it should have fit Trek. It's fan service-y in the previously mentioned masturbatory way. It has that modern "soy" (please for the love of god recommend me a better term to convey this) style that I find grating, but not as badly as it could have been. I do remember liking it's musical episode though and Anson Mount is hot as fuck in it (he's so far out of my usual type but god DAMN those cooking scenes at the start of Season 2).

    Discovery is an utter disappointment. It starts off as an edgy "what if we gave Star Trek the Battlestar Galactica reboot treatment" then flubs it. By Season 2 they've already given up on it and instead decide to give it the JJ Abrams Star Wars reboot treatment - which is funny, given what he also rebooted, though I think it's more stylistic reminiscent of the worst of Disney Wars. Vapid garbage. I could have warmed up to the BSG-style like I did with Stargate Universe after the initial disappointment, I will never warm up to JJ Abrams.

    Picard I hate watched. Truly one of the worst shows ever put to screen. I don't even know where to begin with this. Season 3 is apparently an improvement but I still couldn't make it through the first episode. This is new Trek at it's most masturbatory and vapid.

    Lower Decks I can't comment on. I know plenty of people like it but I am repulsed by the idea of it.

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