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Zed - A code editor written in rust by Atom's Developer. Zed - Code at the speed of thought

Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.

Zed - Code at the speed of thought

It become open source just last week. Currently don't have Linux version but soon it will have. Linux Roadmap issue


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  • I'd love to have a vscodium alternative written in a faster and more efficient language. Most editors and IDEs don't quite fit my workflow, while vscodium does.

    • Yep, I also want a good alternative to codium which run fastly on Potato. That's why I am trying different Editor now days like Lite-Xl and other more.

      • Does kate from KDE suffice?

        • Didn't try it yet. But, isn't it just like Gedit?

          • Closer to Geany or Sublime. I haven't used gedit before though. Kate has language server back end integration, add-on support, integrated terminal, and other features. Geany might be a good option, though I know nothing of its speed. Kate seemed fine but again no idea.

            • Just tried Kate. It's so great. Have all features which I want Thanks for suggestion

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