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let 'er rip


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  • we're gonna let religious idiots and selfish fuckwits destroy the entire ecosystem because they're too fucking stupid to understand simple science and too immature to realize they're the fucking problem.

    • It's not as simple as stupid group of people does bad things. There is a clear and powerful monetary motivation to harm the environment and the people responsible are well aware of what they are doing. They simply do not care.

      The climate deniers are not the problem and it isn't every individuals responsibility to dramatically alter their lives and consumption for the smallest effect on our environment. Your average climate denier denier does not make this better obviously but they are a victim of an intentionally deceitful propaganda campaign

      • they disproportionately spew carbon into the atmosphere intentionally subverting their vehicle's emission reduction technology purposely for the ability to offend the libs.

        I agree with your premise, but think it's in addition to the principles I suggested, not instead.

    • I wish I could tell every single one this. But they are too dumb to get it.

      • yup. had someone in another thread, today, say that covid was the same thing as the flu and wearing 'pantyliners' on our faces was because we were scared.

        1.2 million dead americans, 1500+ dead every week for 3 years on average.... the only thing I'm scared of is letting morons like that make decisions that impact the rest of society. If only they realized they don't live in bubbles and cooperating is mutually beneficial, but that would take a modicum of grey matter that they apparently cannot muster.

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