Over the past week and a half I decided to update and organize all the music on my computer. Make sure spellings are correct, release year, record label, etc. As well as labeling the correct genre. After being halfway through "C" I already have added about 20 new genre. Why can't metal, just be metal. Is a band going to be that upset that I don't refer to their music as Atmospheric Post Blacked Sludge. Should I go back and just label everything as metal, or continue and see how many ridiculous genres.
Yeah the metal genre thing is just descriptors of sound and most metal bands that I listen to vary wildly in that regard. Mostly because bands that are the exact same genre in metal tend to sound exactly the same, which becomes kind of boring.
I don’t organize by genre. It’s way too difficult and time consuming for what you actually get out of it. But it’s good for talking to your buddies about it so they can get an idea of a band and know if they’re worth checking out or not for them based on that description.