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How do I stop going for rage content?

I keep going to reddit and youtube and just getting mad over zionists, how do I stop, I didn't do this before this week aaaaaaa


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  • I literally do the same thing, keep entering toxic comment sections on YouTube knowing that it will be toxic, keep coming back on reddit because of few good subs and then seeing bullshit by accident or by entering subs which everyone would assume are normal and then seeing bullshit. Not to mention visiting r/ShitLiberalsSay.

    Yeah I'm definetely sadomasochist.

    • What's with that sub? I haven't been there but isn't it supposed to be communist? Not that that word guarantees good politics these days, plenty of NATO leftists calling themselves communists for clout lately

      • It used to be a kind of socialist space, but I think the original mods lost power and it's now little more than western chauvinist leftists. They were always there, as it was supposed to be a place to help educate them, but now they are the main userbase rather than guests, same problem with any socialist space on reddit, it either gets overwhelmed by western libs who think they're the real communistsโ„ข or else it just gets quarantined if they can't do that.

    • I just activated my youtube comment blocker to avoid doing that exact thing! Some of the channels I follow have really nice comments, but pretty much any time I'm browsing outside my usual wheelhouse it goes downhill real fast.

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