Snyder repeats the “Holodomor” myth: that the Soviets “deliberately starved” to death more than 3 million Ukrainians.
Snyder repeats Polish nationalist lies about the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of August 1939. He falsely claims the Nazis and Soviets were “military allies”; that German and Soviet troops “jointly” invaded Poland and held a “joint victory parade.”
Blood Lies (refutation of Snyder’s “Bloodlands”, which equates Nazi Germany and the USSR)
It was the advent of Donald Trump—mentioned no less than 100 times in Snyder’s latest book, The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America—that catapulted Snyder from academic star to intellectual celebrity. Shortly after the 2016 election, he published On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, in which he warned Americans that Trump could launch a fascist revolution. [“Timothy Snyder’s Bad History”]
He’s a major propagandist for the proxy war in Ukraine (just look at his Twitter) and he took a photo with Zelensky.
Snyder is also wrote a shit article about the situation in occupied Palestine, where he states:
In evaluating what Hamas has done, it is important to remember that the atrocious crimes are not (or are not only) ends in themselves. They are utterly horrible and deserving of every condemnation, but they are not mindless. Unlike Israelis, who are shocked and feel they must urgently act, Hamas has been working out this scenario for years. The people carrying out the bestial crimes follow a plan that anticipates an Israeli reaction.
Commenting on what is common and different between the two present-day wars, Snyder noted: “The war in Ukraine is one of the least morally complicated wars that one can imagine. The aggression and the genocide is all on one side. The horrible propaganda and the terrorism is all on one side. The war between Israel and Gaza is not like that.”