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I missed out on this in my high school

Maybe because all the queer kids and socialists were extremely closeted.


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  • Amazing how a little bit of social time with friends and neighbors can reveal the secret radical in each of us.

    • most of my high school became far-right liberals

      • You must have a very tight knit high school. I have no earthly idea how most of my class turned out.

        • i live on an island, so you kinda know where everyone is lol

          • :-p Ah, I'm from Texas. Definitely a different set of problems.

            Although, in my experience, native islanders are often more interested in leaving than in settling in as far-right liberals.

            • I am a settler, so i am stuck with the other settlers

              the book settlers was completely right, you can never have a revolution from the oppressor clique, these people become nazi sleeper agents the moment they pass middle school

              • the book settlers was completely right

                Eh. It was very heavy and dry.

                these people become nazi sleeper agents the moment they pass middle school

                For all the screaming hysteria about rising crime and violence, I haven't seen much of a will to power in any of my Euro-Amerikan neighbors. Violence is what the police are for. Everyone else just cowers in their homes and posts frantically to NextDoor. The idea that a bunch of aging suburbanites are going to metasticize into legions of armed brown-shirts? Eh. Even the Jan 6ths weren't particularly well-armed. They certainly aren't fighting fit.


          Half of mine now work for neoliberals organizations of UK, ROK, Japan, America, international Western world, have their own startup, work at hedge funds, or do real estate investing lmao

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