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Political Memes return2ozma

When they tell you the economy is booming, always ask them whose...


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  • Okay but it's an election year so if we tell you it's booming enough, some of your idiots will think it's true

    • It’s booming for some people. Look at all the spending. And for anyone with a 401k, or and brokerage they’re seeing 30% growth yoy. It’s booming. It’s just not booming for everyone.

      • 30% growth

        This barely exceeds inflation. Used cars are up 35%, electricity costs 18-55% depending on region, groceries up 28%. That "growth" you mention is only on paper, there's no increased buying power behind it.

        Regardless, you'd have to be a sociopath to say that a few people making more money (on paper, again) still qualifies a booming economy in the face of

        • Child poverty rate +138%

        • +11,000,000 kicked off Medicaid

        • Record homelessness

        • 60% living paycheck-to-paycheck

        The only rational conclusion we can make from this is that the metrics we use to measure a booming economy are fundamentally broken.

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