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Retooling - News

Hey all, just wanted to bring this up as it should be released soonish - saw a video or two a while ago and was intrigued, was bummed to see it was invite only still.

Anyone played this yet? Thoughts? Other hype? I mean it’s the successor to gmod, I’m here for it and all its buggy glory 🤩🤩

Now they did mention retooling in September but I’m hopeful they’re comfortable and capable to still hit a Q1 or Q2 deadline. Who knows, what do you think?


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  • Another chance to be an unpaid beta tester for a decade in an absurdly toxic community, and if my ideas are good enough, have them stolen and turned into a game mode?

    Wow, where do I sign up?!?! I cant wait to pay money to beta test an early access game labelled and sold as a finished product!

    Obligatory reminder that Garry just downloaded JBMod, added hilariously insecure Lua scripting/injection into it, and made an insanely poorly optimized UI, and then sold it.

    Oh then he spent years on facepunch promising to fix things soon and then taking 3 years to do it, usually waiting until some unpaid modder/coder figured out and solved the problem for him.

    Then he nuked the Facepunch forums, removing all evidence of this.

    Great company, great games, great community rofl!

    • Interesting, I was unaware of this.

      • You didn't because it's bull.
        Video link

        • Well I will concede defeat in that you got me to watch a 9 minute video about how JBMod was not actually created to make sex poses.


          Anyway, the video doesnt debunk anything I said, and there probably wont be a video that debunks anything I said, because it is true.

          Garry did base GMod after JBMod, in spirit, design, and nearly certainly just used the same source code that the video you linked mentioned snakez got a hold of.

          I was playing GMod far before it was sold for money, and I remember the decision to sell it for money being hugely controversial at the time. I believe it was the first HL2 mod to ever be sold for cash, as opposed to all other mods, which were free... before Bethesda's fucking horse armor started the process of every game monetizing every aspect of itself that it could.

          I remember when ropes were added. When hoverballs were added.

          While I guess I should give Garry a bit more credit for making a few more neat tools in the early day than JBMod had, it is still absolutely true that he very obviously was very very slow to add features and stick to his own timelines.

          He regularly got into fights on the Facepunch forums with people all the time who criticized his code and implementation techniques, banned people who pointed out shockingly simple fixes to bugs in his code, and would then usually, out of spite, redesign entire huge swathes of code to implement the simple fix in an absurdly overcomplicated manner.

          There were constant instances where he and his moderators referred people to the wiki, and when peoplr went to the wiki, found that functions were poorly documented, did not function as documented, or didnt even exist, and then users were kicked or banned and had threads exposing this deleted.

          He used the whole community to do bug fixing for him, and deleted the evidence in real time.

          And I do not see any possible way anyone could argue that the GMod community is /not/ one of the most toxic communities ever in gaming: look up spartan5150 or paradymshyft if you want to know more.

          Dude was a horrible bullying fascist that repeatedly groomed underage girls, sent them nudes unprovoked and got them to send him their nudes, and would then manipulate his underage victims by basically holding them hostage and force them to do and say and roleplay vile things, or else he would release the nudes.

          And he is just one of many such literal paedophile, absurdly abusive literal criminals of the GMod community.

          Other people took advantage of Garry's insanely insecure implementation of lua and used it to install viruses on other peoples machines and steal their info... pretty serious cybercrime.

          • I'm sorry but many gaming communities are toxic, it has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with the troll farm forums and discord servers they setup with the express intent to troll.

            I will also concede that maybe Garry is a fucking toxic ass person, and that might bring other toxic people, but its no worse than a COD lobby. I care about the game itself which is a successor to gmod. That sounds interesting to me and I would be willing to spend a fair amount of money for the game (of course not AAA prices or anything near that so we'll see how that goes. This youtube video does bring up that there are trolls out there willing to defraud and stretch the truth to target Garry. That's apparently fact.

            Overall, game interesting, people who make game, less so. If I knew every head developer for any major game, I'm sure many of those people would fall into that category, cough cough blizzard. All I see here is Gary creating new, creative works which is ironically the exact opposite of the criticisms you had for gmod. I'm just trying to understand what your real core argument is and where I can go to validate that info before making a judgement on whether or not to buy a SANDBOX game of all games.

            • The GMod community was obscenely toxic over a decade before discord servers but yep, there were a loooot of trolls too.

              Yep, Garry is toxic.

              Yep, COD lobbies are awful, though they are not as awful as tricking underage girls into sending players their nudes and then forcing them to roleplay being raped in game to prevent the release of said nudes. This happened a lot more than anyone seems to be capable of talking or caring about in various GMod communities.

              You are free to spend your money as you please.

              I would not exactly describe S&ndbox, which is literally just GMod 2 on Source 2 as a very creative endeavor. Seems like GMod with better graphics and maybe a few new features (coded by the Valve devs that revamped the engine and then easily hooked into by Facepunch devs): Its obviously not interesting to me, but if you want it, go nuts.

              The video actually focuses more on a few specific erroneous memes about JBMod, and sure there are people who lie about Garry.

              If your bar for new creative works includes anything Facepunch Studios has put out, then I guess we have different tastes in video games.

              Wow, a multiplayer survival sandbox builder released when 10 similar games came out the same year.

              Wow, a bullet hell shooter thats basically a mobile phone game project that would be a capstone project for your 2 year associates degree in game dev... not like there thousands of those!

              And then we have GMod 2.

              Yes, technically these are creative in the sense of you are creating something.

              No they are not creative in terms of making a novel kind of game, having new kinds of gameplay or features, or pushing any kind of technical innovation or next level graphics.

              My core arguments thus far have already been laid out in my previous posts. If you somehow do not understand them, then I likely will not be able to explain them to you.

              • Nope makes sense, those are some pretty horrible things that people did. I can understand the poor taste you have left over in your mouth from that.

                Can we switch to something positive? What creative sandbox games have you been trying/enjoying lately? I’d respond to your post if you dm me a link!

                • I have not been playing too many games lately as I was held hostage, beaten and starved for 5 days in my own apartment, then evicted after the apartment staff falsely blamed me for the damage this madman did to my apartment, then i was mugged anf had my wallet and phone stolen, and my car had already been stolen months ago, leaving me homeless for months.

                  But uh I would say Valheim is probably the best open world survival craft game I am aware of.

                  The building system is well done and allows for a lot of architectural creativity, without getting you too bogged down in either astoundingly high resource requirements or working your way up through some kind of tech tree system that just forces grind for no real reason.

                  And I just absolutely love its visual style, and it actually has pretty darn good combat for being the kind of game that it is.

                  If you are looking for something more hardcore and less polished you could try Kenshi maybe? If you can survive, it actually allows you to build your own town and populate it with other members of your clan... or slaves.

                  Speaking of slaves: Conan Exiles is another decent game in this vein, though it is extremely grindy, it does have the fanciest graphics of these 3, and also has multiplayer! Downside is you will probably need to get a bunch of paid DLC to play on most servers, and of course as with any decently popular openworld survival craft type game, a good chunk of the players will just grief you.

    • Literal bully sims

      • Hah, well I did already give you that Sig 320 inside a hollowed out 1984 copy in another thread.

        Keep it close, I suppose.

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