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7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp 7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp

A man was abducted by a Chinese gang and forced to work in a scam operation. He gathered financial information, photos and videos and shared the material with The New York Times.

7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp

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  • I saw a BBC documentary about a similar situation. People are being exploited on both sides of the phone line.

    • I know this is wildly off topic, but didn't you move from Beehaw to Tumblr?

      • I left beehaw because I was being targeted by a user using gaslighting and lies.

        When I responded to this user (I will admit, too strongly), the mods removed my comments, but left his initial lies and gaslighting up, even though I had reported them (and even messaged one of the admins directly -- it was actually a beehaw admin's actions against my comments.) To be clear, I understood the removal of my comments, but I did not understand why the user's lies and rudeness against me still remained.

        I mentioned tumblr because it was where the information I was sharing had initiated, and I encouraged people to take the discussion there, since a productive discussion was no longer possible here. I never said I was moving there myself.

        I then removed the rest of my comments and posts on beehaw.

        I was already on tumblr, so I didn't "move from" Beehaw to there. I was also already on this account, so nor did I move here -- I was already here all along, where I've had no similar problems.

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