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  • Play the ones you want, be ok with not finishing the ones you just aren’t feeling after giving them a decent try

    Same advice for books.

    • Average enjoyment across multiple games and books ftw!

    • I can't bring myself to finish dragon age inquisition.

      Which sucks, it was a fantastic game I enjoyed nearly every minute of, and I wish I had gotten into the series when I had more free time than a hibernating bear.

      No idea what it is, I just stopped playing one day and never started it back up, and now I just don't have any interest in it.

    • How I do it. Huge game library tons of games I bought played and just felt meh after awhile with them. Now they are just part of my collection.

      • Here’s what I’ve started doing.

        Games that I’ve played a bit but didn’t finish because I just don’t feel like it but have a story I’m really interested in? I’ll watch a let’s play or summary.

        Other games that I got because I thought, maybe, I wait until I’ve finished a game and want something as a palate cleanser. These I’ll give a go and either really enjoy it and finish or do what I mentioned above.

        Some I’ve saved because I really want to give them a try and, if it doesn’t work out, that’s ok.

        It’s ok to have games you’ll never play. You bought them, or got them via some giveaway, and in both cases supported the devs and studios in the bargain and that’s good enough.

        I loved bioshock. But just couldn’t get into bio shock 2. I have infinite and I may or may not get to it.

        Sometimes I know a game is special before I start it and so I save it instead of giving it a quick run. Sometimes I end up not liking them, and that’s ok. Other times they’re perfect such as Outer Wilds. A game that is now my favorite game of all time and has held that spot for a few years.

        I find that I’m leaning more and more into new experiences and unique stories lately (firewatch, outer wilds) or puzzles (baba is you) or a mix of both (Talos Principle 1&2) but other times I’ll spend hours and hours on something like satisfactory. Get super into it… and then feel like “this was fun, I’ve had a great time, what new experience should I go for now”

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