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Intellectual Property should be abolished - change my mind! Intellectual Property should be abolished - change my mind! -

I am strongly convinced that the possession of ideas and creations of the intellect is not possible. In my opinion, only physical things can be possessed, that is, things that are limited, that is, that can only be in one place. The power or the freedom to do with the object what one wants correspon...

Hey mateys!

I made a post at /c/libertarianism about the abolition of IP. Maybe some of you will find it interesting.

Please answer in the other community so that all the knowledge is in one place and easier to discover.


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  • I'd say society is better off with no IP related temporary monopoly than the system we have. There are enough instances where creators die penniless and publishers make all the profits to suggest there already is no financial incentive for an inventor to invent. Like Goodyear, they do it more as a hobby or in the interest of society.

    Maybe if we had social safety nets so everyone not rich wasn't desperate, we might be able to have a robust innovation sector that was less focused on using law to screw competitors and consumers.

    • Exactly: Who has the greater power in the end: the company or the consumer? You only have to look at reddit: When we stand up together and support each other, we are strong. In my opinion, this is prevented by "consumer protection measures" that are exploited by the corpos anyway, and in the end it is always the uninformed penniless person who is the stupid one.

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